Den 2019-07-26 kl. 17:32, skrev David Botton:
I spent a bit more time concentrating this last year on recovery for my businesses and physically after the stroke I had last year that I expected. Thank God all is in full swing. The advent of 5g tech is going to swing the pendulum even more to always connected server based tech which is Gnoga’s big angle. I have a few ideas I plan on exploring using Gnoga (and also finishing up a form builder for Gnoga), but I would like to ask some opinions on the following:

I am considering rewriting Gnoga in a language other than Ada (yes I love the old girl but for reasons I don’t want to debate she has terminal cancer), what other language would appeal to any of you?

I think that if Gnoga is to have the attentions it really deserves, then a language with really high user community,

and one that is still fairly sane.

I can only think of

* Python - hated for its whitespace but otherwise ok

* C# - hated for its problems with other curly brace languages. But it also has some nice features,

and its now cross-platform for at least some OS:es/cpus .

I did develop a non-trivial application using rabbitmq, and databases, in VS2017,

scp()ed the solution to a debian 8 box and did

dotnet restore ; dotnet build ; and then it ran as supposed to

who would have thought that?

dotnet core that is - which _really_ could use a user interface.


David Botton

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