Am Freitag, den 04.03.2005, 18:32 +0100 schrieb Danilo Šegan:
> Today at 12:46, Martin Willemoes Hansen wrote:
> > 2. The translator-credits does not seem to be used?
> If there's <articleinfo> in original DocBook, it will be added there
> as <copyright> tag.  If not, it is really not used. 

I've just tested the generation of German translation and well, it is
used... as footnote of generated HTML files.

When you have a look at there is a footnote like
Copyright © 2003, The GNOME Project 
GNOME and the foot logo are trademarks of the GNOME Foundation. 
Optimized for standards. Hosted by Red Hat

At this place you get mentioned with
Copyright © 2005. YOUR NAME ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
(without above informations or notice of Murray/Davyd)

I'm still not sure if we should fill this.

Another issue:
Two untranslatable strings in rnapplications.xml ("The email client",
"The Evolution email client."). It's a <para> where <figure> is the only
child. And yes, I'm using the latest CVS version of xml2po.

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