On 2005-03-02(Wed) 12:01:17 +0100, Danilo Åegan wrote:
> Today at 11:19, Nikos Charonitakis wrote:
> > Another issue:
> > when i tried to make xml-el (the same case with xml-de)
> > some strings althoogh  they are translated appeared in yelp untranslated.
> > (This happened after the latest sync not in first place)
> Latest sync of what? xml2po or release notes?  Please use latest
> xml2po (CVS HEAD). 
> > example string:
> > The file manager, also known as Nautilus ...
> This also WorksForMe(TM).

Looks like one small piece of puzzle is missing: the instruction
(REAMDE_translators.txt) didn't tell translator to update xml2po to CVS

It took me some time to figure out before reading this thread :-$


> Cheers,
> Danilo
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Abel Cheung
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