Op do, 24-03-2005 te 02:15 +0000, schreef Simos Xenitellis:
> For the case of the airport/city/location names, they are stored in
> /usr/share/gnome-applets/gweather/Locations.xml
> I verified that the applet reads succesfully the file (using "strace"),
> however it only shows the names of the countries in Greek but not the
> locations or cities.
> Could you please verify specifically that when you look for "Athens"
> (Europe/Greece/"Athens"), it shows it indeed in Danish, that is, as
> "Athen" (without ending "s")?
> Simos Xenitellis
> p.s.
> Thanks Arangel for the "me too".
Well, I should have double checked before I opened my big mouth. :)

It looks like the cities don't get translated. Athens shows up as
"Athens", but should show up as "Athene" in Dutch (nl).

So, my works-for-meâ is hereby changed to a me-tooâ.

Kind regards,
Vincent van Adrighem

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