Le vendredi 21 juillet 2006 à 15:22 +0200, Christophe Merlet (RedFox) a
écrit :

> > Altough I'm always present on both #gnomefr and #gnome-fr, I have to say
> > that I know several people that don't want to show up in #gnome-fr
> > because of your attitude (being very rude on the ML some months ago is
> > certainly one of the reasons). That said, most of the discussion about
> > GNOME in general and GNOME French translation are now held in #gnomefr
> > as a result.
> Yes #gnomefr is now for *general* discussion about GNOME.
> #gnome-fr is for the GNOME French translation.

If the people doing the translations disagree about that, there's a
problem ;)

> > I know you have had some issue with some people there but I
> > ask you to please forget about past gripes and restore a good
> > collaboration environment troughout the project.
> GNOME Translation Project is on #gnome-fr.

> I respect your decision, but could you please state why you are not
> > approving it ?
> Because I don't know you, because I don't know the quality of your 
> translations, because you appears immature to me. But it east can be 
> only one impression which will improve with time.

> > Failing to do so will
> > lead to more segmentation and to more incomplete translation (Ubuntu
> > already has a far more complete (and sometimes incorrect) French
> > translation because of the upstream failure to provide a complete and
> > accurate French translation.
> People from Sun, Mandriva, Debian, Red Hat, Novell... contribute to 
> french translation. Your disgression about Ubuntu is except subject.
> > Now some history :
> > 
> > I started working on GNOME French translation only lately (since March)
> Haaaaaaa, ok....
> Then how can you ask for my departure for incompetence and claim that I 
> spend time to commit translations while at the same time you arrived 
> only in March and than for this reason, I never was in contact with your 
> translations.    Funny, very funny :-D  good joke :)

Thanks for this great example of how you welcome and encourage new
contributors... I guess this is the kind of things people on this list
were curious about...


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