Le dimanche 24 septembre 2006 à 11:52 +0200, Wouter Bolsterlee a écrit :
> 2006-09-24 klockan 11:45 skrev Benoît Dejean:
> > Le samedi 23 septembre 2006 à 17:15 +0200, Benoît Dejean a écrit :
> Translator names are not only in the (comment) header of the source. po
> files. Most applications have a "transation-credits" string that shows up in
> the .mo files.

Are you suggesting that i should run 'strings *.mo' to get credits for
translations ? Last time i used this technique, it was to check if a
binary proprietary program did not illegaly embed GPL software.

Again, according to the GPL :

> You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
> source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
> conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
> copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty;

i don't think obfuscated strings in a binary file is an appropriate
copyright notice.

GNOME http://www.gnomefr.org/
LibGTop http://directory.fsf.org/libgtop.html

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