Le jeudi 26 juillet 2007, à 17:03 +0100, Simos Xenitellis a écrit :
> This is a good example to try to suggest here how it should be tackled,
> then document on live.gnome.org for developers to reference.
> Please be constructive on the following:
> Let's assume that we have the following message and we want to make it
> possible to translate in different languages, including languages that
> follow a different order from "subject verb object".
> "From your budget and the amount you've already spent, you will need to
> have saved %s by the date %s"
> In this case we can use "positional arguments" as described in 
> http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/gettext.html#c_002dformat
> The above message is then converted in the source code to 
> "From your budget and the amount you've already spent, you will need to
> have saved %1$s by the date %2$s"
> Another example is 
> from
> "You run for %d minutes along the %s route with team %s."
> to
> "You run for %1$d minutes along the %2$s route with team %3$s."
> Sometimes it is good to break messages in smaller parts. However, in
> this example it is better to leave as a single message, due to the
> sentence structure.
> How does that look like?

I used to put this (%1$s stuff) in some strings, and one day I wondered:
but, isn't it enough if translators do this themselves in their
translations? I'd think it is, and that it's not critical that the
string in the code has this.

(although I agree that having this in the original string make it easier
for translators to know about this feature)


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