Le samedi 10 novembre 2007 à 13:41 +0100, helix84 a écrit :
> Hello,
> I'm a member of Slovak (sk) localization team. We've been unable to
> contact our Gnome translation coordinator Marcel Telka. We've been
> trying to reach him using his email address he uses in Gnome (AFAIC I
> emailed him 4x since August) and using our mailing list
> (<http://lists.linux.sk/pipermail/sk-i18n/2007-September/000001.html>).
> Slovak localization of Gnome is stalled and patches don't get
> commited.
> Therefore I'm writing here as per
> <http://live.gnome.org/TranslationProject/StartingATeam>, "There is
> already a non-responsive coordinator".
> I'm ready to replace Marcel. Also in case he's back and interested,
> I'll give up the responibility back to him. I'm a maintainer of
> MediaWiki, Inkscape, Zimbra, iso-codes, qBitTorrent and FileZilla
> Slovak translations and contributor to many others. I'm sending our
> teamleader Juraj Bednar a CC.


It's known that Marcel is very busy. Lately, Peter Tuharsky
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> has done much work regarding the Slovak translation
[1]. I think he already requested an SVN account. Peter, can you



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