Hi helix84,

please contact me personally via email or jabber (or phone, if you want) to get
a chat about the coordination, account, etc.

It would be great to know at least your real name, for example :-).

Have a nice day.

On Wed, Nov 14, 2007 at 03:23:29PM +0100, helix84 wrote:
> I'm sorry to hear that, Peter.
> Marcel, would you like me to apply for an SVN account, so there's two
> of us working in case either one is busy?
> ~~helix84
> On 11/14/07, Mgr. Peter Tuharsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi, Claude
> >
> >
> > I'm sorry, I failed to proceed for SVN account. I'm quite busy last
> > month and the process seemed too complicated to begin with.
> >
> > There has been quite a nice period during the summer when I have had
> > enough time and power to help the translations, and contributed the way
> > that has been viable that time. Unfortunately, I don't plan to do any
> > translations more until the end of year.
> >
> > However, if necessarry to move things, I'd try to get the SVN account
> > either way.
> >
> > I don't object to helix84 either way. If he is willing to move on the
> > coordinator's duties, let be it. We've been communicating today and he
> > seems responsive so far :-)
> >
> > Peter Tuharsky
> >
> > Claude Paroz  wrote / napísal(a):
> > > Le samedi 10 novembre 2007 à 13:41 +0100, helix84 a écrit :
> > >> Hello,
> > >> I'm a member of Slovak (sk) localization team. We've been unable to
> > >> contact our Gnome translation coordinator Marcel Telka. We've been
> > >> trying to reach him using his email address he uses in Gnome (AFAIC I
> > >> emailed him 4x since August) and using our mailing list
> > >> (<http://lists.linux.sk/pipermail/sk-i18n/2007-September/000001.html>).
> > >> Slovak localization of Gnome is stalled and patches don't get
> > >> commited.
> > >>
> > >> Therefore I'm writing here as per
> > >> <http://live.gnome.org/TranslationProject/StartingATeam>, "There is
> > >> already a non-responsive coordinator".
> > >>
> > >> I'm ready to replace Marcel. Also in case he's back and interested,
> > >> I'll give up the responibility back to him. I'm a maintainer of
> > >> MediaWiki, Inkscape, Zimbra, iso-codes, qBitTorrent and FileZilla
> > >> Slovak translations and contributor to many others. I'm sending our
> > >> teamleader Juraj Bednar a CC.
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > It's known that Marcel is very busy. Lately, Peter Tuharsky
> > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> has done much work regarding the Slovak translation
> > > [1]. I think he already requested an SVN account. Peter, can you
> > > confirm?
> > >
> > > Claude
> > >
> > > [1] 
> > > http://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?product=l10n&component=Slovak%20%5Bsk%5D
> >
> >
> > --
> > Odchádzajúca správa neobsahuje vírusy, nepoužívam Windows.
> > =======================
> >
> > Mgr. Peter Tuhársky
> > Referát informatiky
> > Mesto Banská Bystrica
> > ČSA 26
> > 975 39 Banská Bystrica
> >
> > Tel: +421 48 4330 118
> > Fax: +421 48 411 3575
> >
> > =======================
> >
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| Marcel Telka   e-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
|                homepage: http://telka.sk/ |
|                jabber:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
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