On Do, 2008-10-30 at 16:33 +0100, Axel Hecht wrote:
> 2008/10/30 F Wolff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> <...>
> > I think I know of at least one team that doesn't translate and promote
> > Firefox under that brand, since the fox is considered negative in their
> > culture - I guess for Mozilla there is too much in that brand to dilute
> > it, but they lost that team (in as far as I know). I see there is a beta
> > translation of Firefox 3 into Thai - I don't know if it is similar for
> > you perhaps.
> Hi Friedel,
> I don't rule out that I forgot, do you recall which locale that was, and when?
> Axel

I wouldn't like to be quoted on it, but vaguely remember it probably as
an example somebody gave in a "cultural awareness in L10n" presentation
or something like that. It might just be that we are talking about the
Thai team now, but South East Asia rings a bell. About when I can't say.

Please don't get me wrong - it wasn't criticism either way, just a
(possibly incorrect) data-point. I think there is substantial value in
the Firefox brand, and I guess I wouldn't want it diluted if it was my
decision to make.

The fox story probably intrigued me a bit since it reminds me of the
status a wolf has in some Afrikaans folk tales... and that has
implications for me personally, as you can imagine. I'm not sure if it
is good or bad for me that the GNOME logo is not a wolf...

Keep well
Friedel Wolff

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