On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 1:26 AM, Murray Cumming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 2008-11-02 at 17:25 +0700, Theppitak Karoonboonyanan wrote:
>> The problem I've met is a kind of barrier for new comers, as foot is
>> considered the least respected part of the body in my culture.
>> It's not that kind of disgust you explained. But it's a sign of strong
>> disrespect. You should not point with your foot. You should not
>> expose your foot toward others, bare or with shoe on. Raising foot
>> over one's head, the most respected part of the body, by any means
>> is a most obvious sign of disrespect. When sleeping, you should never
>> point your foot to Buddha's image.
> We all believe you, I think. Thanks for telling us about this.
> To make something happen, I guess you need to suggest a particular
> design. Then the GNOME board could approve it - you need to ask the
> board for a simple yes/no decision or it won't happen.

Thanks for suggestion. We have got some ideas from the discussion
so far. Please see a summary at:


Other ideas are still welcome.

> Maybe you could contact the GNOME Art team. They could make some
> suggestions. Don't focus on the "Gnome" idea. Few people think of small
> mythical beings when they think of GNOME. Unfortunately, I don't have a
> good suggestion. Some other form of "G", maybe?

I've also been trying to find some idea like that. So far, the OK hand
sign showing a G is not passed, as it's said to mean something dirty
in South America.

A gnome hat and head seem to be the best we can get so far.
(See the live page above.)

Theppitak Karoonboonyanan
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