On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 6:34 PM, Jonh Wendell <jwend...@gnome.org> wrote:
> Em Seg, 2009-01-05 às 11:12 +0100, Claude Paroz escreveu:
>> I've just committed the modification. Now the mail is sent from the
>> "gnome...@gnome.org" address. Mailing list administrators, you should
>> allow this address to post on your list if you want to receive
>> notifications.
>> Claude
> [a bit off-topic]
> Hi. Where in Mailman is that option?

You can add the gnome...@gnome.org e-mail using the Mass Subscription
option in Mailman.
Then, find this e-mail in the member list and select not to receive any e-mails.
That should be it.

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