2009/1/19 Matej Urban <matej.ur...@gmail.com>:
> Thanks, Gil,
> I will wait and see, but since I'm a translator/mantainer and since I
> doubt I will be able to upload many files at once, the only difference
> so far I see, is that I will replace keyboard keystrokes for mouse
> clicks. There will be no changelog, which is an improvement :)

I don't see how this solution will NOT improve your situation. When
you want to commit you just have to upload a file via a web-interface.
Which means that you cut both space and bandwitdth down to a minimum,
the only thing left is time. You do save the time it takes out to
check out the modules and fill out the ChangeLog, but you do not get
to save the time you could if you could commit more files at once. But
in my opinion that should never be made a possibility (and I'm a
translation coordinator not a developer), you use verision control
systems (of any kind) to track changes, which makes it easy to revert
if you do something wrong, but that hardly makes sense if you commit
very large changes.

Regards Kenneth

PS: I have a commit script I can send you if you want to use it in the
meantime, but let me know only if you want to use it as I would have
to nicefy it a bit before ot could be used by others.

> Anyhow, in the end I will use whatever I'll need to do it, but keep
> nagging about it. For some reason, I really doubt that single dir for
> all po files, is a big programing deal. No obsolete clicks, no hassle,
> just pure translation work.
> Matej
> On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 1:46 PM, Gil Forcada <gforc...@gnome.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Actually a lot has changed:
>> - for advanced-translators the same workflow will be maintained.
>> - for plain translators a web interface to commit languages will be
>> provided.
>> So I think you fall in the second option and thus you will need to have
>> access to http://l10n.gnome.org to download updated po files (like you
>> can do right know), track its status (like as of January you can do
>> right now) and commit them in source repositories (like you will be able
>> to do in a not-so-distant-future, Claude said it has a beta working
>> version that does this, I'm right Claude?)
>> So, all in all, your workflow will be a lot improved since you will only
>> have to download and upload files from/to http://l10n.gnome.org :)
>> Hope I haven't said any lie!
>> Cheers,
>> El dl 19 de 01 de 2009 a les 13:38 +0100, en/na Matej Urban va escriure:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm really trying to understand the changes. The title sais:
>>> Using Git and separating translations into their own l10n-LL repository
>>> The title implies that ALL and ONLY po files from ALL the languages UI
>>> and HELP will fall into "l10n-LL" repository, but that will not be the
>>> case, as I understand. I really don't know why this is so unpopular
>>> among developers.
>>> I posted a bug http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=554257 and
>>> also a reminder that I don't fill-in the changelog entries. I can not
>>> find those great "scripts" in the gnome archive, that will do all the
>>> work in my place, nor can I write one, so doing it step by step is the
>>> only way I know. It takes TOO much time, TOO much bandwidth and TOO
>>> much space to maintain the language. Putting/linking/sync all po files
>>> in one single dir solves many problems for coords like myself.
>>> Please, guys, check again if there is a way to do that. Last
>>> coordinator dropped out of the translation game because this updating
>>> took too much of everything, especially his time.
>>> Matej
>> --
>> gil forcada
>> [ca] guifi.net - una xarxa lliure que no para de créixer
>> [en] guifi.net - a non-stopping free network
>> bloc: http://gil.badall.net
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