El vie, 30-01-2009 a las 15:11 +0200, Dwayne Bailey escribió:
> OK, I promised a test to find these errors and here it is... I'm a
> sucker for writing QA checks.
> Stats
> =====
> I've only tested these teams:
> Spanish: 35 strings
> Dzongkha: 8 strings
> French: 9 strings
> German: 7 Strings
> Instructions on how to run this yourself at the end.
> The Test
> ========
> I extended the Translate Toolkit's pofilter (see this commit
> http://translate.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/translate?view=rev&revision=10019 
> it will be in release 1.3 in a few days) to run the gcnonf check on any entry 
> that has a location comment of *.schemas.in.  In those entries it looks for 
> "[a-z_]+" in the msgid and checks that it occurs in the msgstr.
> Of course tests like this have diminishing returns.  Once everyone has
> fixed this error the test is not that useful.  But it is still available
> to ensure that nobody makes that error again.  The tests are integrated
> into Pootle and we'll integrate them into Virtaal, our new localisation
> tool.
> pofilter
> ========
> pofilter is a tool we at Translate.org.za wrote in our early days to
> check the quality of translations at a technical level.  Machines are so
> much better at finding these types of errors then humans.
> Yes you can use grep, I do, but the escaping and wrapping can mess with
> anyone trying that. Actually you should use pogrep from the Translate
> Toolkit anyway.
> With the new gconf test we're sitting at 47 tests.  Quite a lot of
> effort has gone in to reduce false positive and to make the test adapt
> to the punctuation found in various languages.
> How to use it the new gconf test
> ================================
> Picking on the Spanish team whose bug Andre pointed out:
> Spanish has 35 strings with potential issues which I found using
> pofilter.
> Follow these instructions to install the toolkit from SVN or wait till
> be release v1.3:
> http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/toolkit/installation#installing_from_subversion
> Here are the steps I followed:
> 1) Download the PO files for Spanish:
> http://l10n.gnome.org/languages/es/gnome-2-26/ui.tar.gz
> 2) Untarred them into gnome-2-26-es/
> 3) Find the faulty string by running the gconf test:
> pofilter --gnome -t gconf gnome-2-26-es gnome-2-26-es-gconf
> 4) Edit and review the PO files found in gnome-2-26-es-gconf
> 5) Merge the fixes back into the PO files
> pomerge -t gnome-2-26-es gnome-2-26-es-gconf gnome-2-26-new
> 6) New updated files are in gnome-2-26-new commit these fixes the same
> way as you would normally do it.
> And your done all fixed.
> On Wed, 2009-01-28 at 18:55 +0100, Andre Klapper wrote:
> > Dear translators,
> > 
> > Gconf key values should not be translated to your language only (by
> > dropping the original english string) because it makes it impossible for
> > users to set them manually, e.g. by using gconf-editor.
> > That is what the literal quotes should imply, see 
> > http://live.gnome.org/TranslationProject/DevGuidelines/Enclose%20literal%20values%20in%20double%20quotes
> >  .
> > 
> > Example:
> > msgid "Possible values are \"always\", "\"bonded\"."
> > bad msgstr "Los valores posibles son: «siempre», «vinculados».
> > good msgstr "Los valores posibles son: «always» (siempre), «bonded» 
> > (vinculados)."
> > 
> > 
> > I've grep'ed the evolution po files and found 37 wrong po files.
> > Nautilus: 21 po files. Epiphany: 20 po files.
> > 
> > While I'm going to file bug reports for the rest of the evening I ask
> > you how to avoid this. :-)
> > 
> > To me it's obvious by looking at the filename of the string (ending with
> > ".schemas.in") that these values should not be translated, but to lots
> > of other translators it's not.
> > In http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=569457 aloriel proposes to
> > add a comment to each of these strings.
> > 
> > Other opinions/comments?
> > 
> > andre
Many thanks for this, I'll try to fix it ASAP.

Jorge González González <alor...@gmail.com>
Weblog: http://aloriel.no-ip.org
Fotolog: http://www.flickr.com/photos/aloriel

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