On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 1:02 PM, Gintautas Miliauskas <gin...@akl.lt> wrote:
> Hello,
>>  We currently are hosted in git.pitivi.org, but thanks to owen's help,
>> we now have a git repo in gnome.org also
>> (http://git.gnome.org/cgit/pitivi/ ) which we will be synchronizing with
>> the master repository on a regular basis.
> Which repository do you consider the "master"? svn.gnome.org or git.gnome.org?
> I am slightly annoyed by all this repository moving business. Look, if
> you want to move, fine, but *delete your project from the old
> repository* so that there is no confusion. You can always restore the
> project later if you want; despite being old-school, Subversion does
> allow that. There are hundreds of packages on svn.gnome.org, and
> translators can't be expected to track the whims of every project.
> Moreover, when they find out they have been spending time translating
> obsolete strings, they tend to get a little frustrated.
> I am also puzzled by your statement that translations are "too
> obsolete to backport". Obsolete? It's a PO file, you just merge it
> with the new POT and it's done. Backport? If the translations are
> already obsolete, where could one backport them?

In addition to these questions, I'll add a one more.
The current situation with git.gnome.org is that any changes that take
place there
will get lost when the official migration happens.
Has there been a change to this?

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