The short version: the Launchpad case strikes again. ;-)

The long version: Our venerable Czech translator Kamil Paral pointed out
that the l10n of one of GNOME modules, gnome-subtitles, seems to be split
in two distinct l10n infrastructures, that is the GTP and Launchpad. See for

Also, Kamil filed a bug in GNOME Bugzilla telling the maintainer about the
apparent infrastructure conflict:

The maintainer in his response appears to be hoping his project will get
more attention when utilizing both infrastructures. However in consequence,
it raises the question what to do to really prevent duplicating l10n work?
Are the precautions taken by the maintainer and described in the mentioned
bug report sufficient? Interestingly, the maintainer resolved the said bug
as FIXED. Thus, I can't but ask dear GNOME translators, what are your views
on this issue?

Best regards,
Petr Kovar
gnome-i18n mailing list

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