Le samedi 28 février 2009 à 19:30 +0100, Petr Kovar a écrit :
> The short version: the Launchpad case strikes again. ;-)
> The long version: Our venerable Czech translator Kamil Paral pointed out
> that the l10n of one of GNOME modules, gnome-subtitles, seems to be split
> in two distinct l10n infrastructures, that is the GTP and Launchpad. See for
> yourself:
> http://l10n.gnome.org/module/gnome-subtitles/
> https://translations.launchpad.net/gnome-subtitles
> Also, Kamil filed a bug in GNOME Bugzilla telling the maintainer about the
> apparent infrastructure conflict:
> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=573015
> The maintainer in his response appears to be hoping his project will get
> more attention when utilizing both infrastructures. However in consequence,
> it raises the question what to do to really prevent duplicating l10n work?
> Are the precautions taken by the maintainer and described in the mentioned
> bug report sufficient? Interestingly, the maintainer resolved the said bug
> as FIXED. Thus, I can't but ask dear GNOME translators, what are your views
> on this issue?

Thanks Petr to raise this issue. I've commented in the bug report (in
summary: two upstream sources is not acceptable).


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