On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 5:56 PM, Tirumurti Vasudevan <agnih...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I did some experiments with shallow clones,
>> http://blogs.gnome.org/simos/2009/04/18/git-clones-vs-shallow-git-clones/
>> I noticed that there is no significant benefit. In fact, it is
>> possible to mess up the repository
>> in a weird way. There are unknown issues when you try to push your
>> changes from your shallow clone.
>> Hope this helps,
> i will have to use a download manager and download the repo in the free net
> time.
> possible?
> url?

I have put the GNOME release repositories (94 modules) available as a
.tar.gz archive at
http://simos.info/pub/GNOME-REPOS.07May09.tar.gz  (1.5GB)
Feel free to download.

To save space, I removed the working copy, so for module 'eog', you will notice
that there is eog/.git/* only. This is good, because all the
information necessary for a repository
are found in .git/. Below I show how to checkout the working copy.

In addition, these are anonymous clones, which means that you also
need to convert to non-anonymous ('eponymous'?).

Here are the commands:

$ git remote rm origin
$ git remote add origin -m master -f ssh://myusern...@git.gnome.org
$ git config branch.master.remote origin
$ git config branch.master.merge refs/heads/master


Finally, to checkout the working copy (checkout 'master'), do

$ git reset --hard

I'ld be interested in any feedback from the above.

The above commands can be automated with
though at this stage would require some reading in the source code.

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