On Tue, 2009-08-18 at 16:06 +0200, Frederic Peters wrote:
> William Jon McCann wrote:
> > So, in preparation for GNOME Shell and 3.0 a number of us have been
> > trying to address various inconsistencies in how we name applications.
> >
> > [...]
> > 
> > What do you think? (please read the blog post before answering)
> After further discussion on the XDG mailing list and an agreement with
> David Faure of KDE fame, I propose this goal, that will allow to both
> have Name keys suitable for gnome-shell and to keep the current
> entries in gnome-panel.
> The guidelines are:
>  - If Name is just the application name, leave it alone
>  - If there is no GenericName, leave it alone
>  - If Name == GenericName: remove GenericName
>  - If Name embeds both the application name and the generic name
>    - Add X-FullName, with what was in Name
>    - Set Name to the application name only 
> <http://live.gnome.org/GnomeGoals/CorrectDesktopFiles>
> Impact for translations: at most a new string for each modules, with
> the application "brand" name (that could be left alone, for languages
> that do not do transliteration).

Will we get automagic translator comments so that "Rhythmbox" doesn't
get translated to "Boîte à Rythmes" in French?

> Impact for documentation: none (once libgnomedesktop gets its new
> "get_display_name()" API).
> Is everybody ok to proceed ?


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