2010/2/21 Nils-Christoph Fiedler <fied...@medienkompanie.de>:
> yes, i understand - modularity has some great advantages for the user.
> and one big file has just advantages for the translator.. :-)
> but i guess i'll try that catalog thing, mentioned by mario.
> thanks!

BTW. Some things are already made more "economic". E.g. I think that
if you use GTK+ to develop your program, you can use stock menu labels
for your menues. That means that in principle, if the developer has
done his job "right" ;) and used the stock labels, you should not have
to translate strings such as "File", "Open", "Save" "Save as" and so
on, in GTK applicatinos, they should simply be pulled from GTK+. If
you encounter such strings in GTK+ based apps, you are always welcome
to make a bugreport on it, and try and see if you can make the
developer change it.

Other things that could easily be made more economic, and in priciple
should be, does not work so well. E.g. language, country and currency
names should in priciple be a part of an ISO file (I think), that is
translatable on the translation project, but no one seem to use that
(I don't know if they don't want the extra dependency or if the
translation in GNOME get more attention), which means that we get
translate more or less the same list of languages and country names x
number of times for different applications. *GRUMBLE*.

Regards Kenneth Nielsen
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