On Tue, 2010-02-23 at 14:20 +0100, Kenneth Nielsen wrote:
> 2010/2/21 Nils-Christoph Fiedler <fied...@medienkompanie.de>:


> Other things that could easily be made more economic, and in priciple
> should be, does not work so well. E.g. language, country and currency
> names should in priciple be a part of an ISO file (I think), that is
> translatable on the translation project, but no one seem to use that
> (I don't know if they don't want the extra dependency or if the
> translation in GNOME get more attention), which means that we get
> translate more or less the same list of languages and country names x
> number of times for different applications. *GRUMBLE*.

Can you provide some examples of GNOME projects doing so? I think this
are good candidates for getting additional bug reports :)

> Regards Kenneth Nielsen
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