Am Freitag, den 16.07.2010, 15:37 +0300 schrieb Tomas Kuliavas:
> > What are "massive style changes"?
> > I don't see many changes in
> > except for replacing
> > "bylą" by "failą" which was already discussed on this mailing list and
> > hence is not a topic here anymore but could be discussed on the
> > Lithuanian mailing list if there was/is (still) a need.
> Ž.Beručka never discussed it on mailing list, when he replaced my
> translation with his version.

No idea what "it" is.
Plus it seems that you ignore any of my questions to you.

> He could replace translation if he did it
> correctly, but instead of asking others about their opinion, he decided to
> replace translation and fight of opponents after they notice what he have
> done.

Please always provide proof for your statements, e.g. by URLs, otherwise
such statements could be considered FUD.

> It is up to his moral standards to reject my contribution, if he knows how
> I will react when he replaces that word in my translation.
> Please remove my contributions from Gnome or ask that unscrupulous person
> to do that.

Stop your insults and your non-constructive attitude.
Read before sending any further
emails to this mailing list.

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