On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 11:26:40AM +0200, Kenneth Nielsen wrote:
> WOW easy does it. It sounds a bit like we have already made the
> decision. This should be discussed thoroughly before we decide
> anything or ask people to do work on it.
> While I can certainly support the idea of of-loading work from Claude
> and others, we need to carefully consider the functionality, because
> right now we have something that works for almost all that we want to
> do, and we do not want to go backwards on that account.
> Claude writes that while functionality may differ, that it might be ok
> as long as the total functionality is high. I only partly agree with
> that. I think there is some functionality that is _essential_, and if
> that can not be implementer then we should not move.
> The functionality that I am talking about is simple though and pertain
> to the fact that we work a lot more with sets that with individual
> packages. We have to be able to have overviews of sets of modules[1],
> (and it would also be nice to have overviews of the overview[2]),
> including translations status in the same screen, the same way we have
> today. This is so essential to the way we work that we, in my opinion,
> cannot do without.

I was about to say some thing along these lines, but you summarised it
better than what I would have done. I just want to added that every time
I use Transifex I find its UI very confusing and things that can be
simply achieved with damned-lies are either impossible or done in a very
convoluted way. I fail to say what features Transifex offers that we
need; we neither need the complex multi-project multi-team
multi-workflow setup nor the near useless online translation tool (if we
ever need one, then IMHO only Pootle is worthy consideration currently).


 Khaled Hosny
 Arabic localiser and member of Arabeyes.org team
 Free font developer
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