>> translation-toolkit:
> Please share how you use it.
> I do not understand the question. What would you like to know?
Sorry for the delay, real busy these days.

I really mean what tasks do you use it for. Since I do not know the
exact functionality - I do not know what I am asking for (-:

Still, let me give an example. For large po-files for which I receive
updated translations from a member of a team I use gettext tools to
separate the strings in three categories - those that have been
translated, those that were fuzzy and those that were untranslated. I
use this way of separation to get three pair of files. I can compare the
translations individually which really simplifies my job. Evolution is a
typical example. For a release it gets 300 new strings and 300 new
fuzzies. Already translated strings are about 4500. With this kind of
separation I can see where the changes have been and act accordingly.

translation-toolkit contains many programs. On my Fedora 13 box I get it
has 41 conversion utilities (like buga2gobo converts from buga format to
gobo format) and 21 other utilites: 
build_tmdb, junitmsgfmt, poclean, pocommentclean, pocompendium,
pocompile, poconflicts, pocount, podebug, pofilter, pogrep, pomerge,
popuretext, porestructure, posegment, posplit, poswap, poterminology,
pretranslate, tmserve

What purposes do you use them successfully for? For example pocompendium
and poterminology seem cool but I am not sure they are nice to use (from
a translator's perspective).

So my question is where in the workflow and for what purposes do you use
translation-toolkit for.


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