Thanks for the idea, but  using a "find" command may be easier :)

Btw, GUI files are always (unless some exceptions) in modulename/po, so I
just need use find to know where is the doc folder.

2012/1/3 Simos Xenitellis <>

> 2012/1/2 Daniel Mustieles García <>
>> Hi Simos,
>> PO editors should be able to manage headers without eating them, and
>> translators doesn't use to edit PO files manually, btw, if this feature is
>> finally implemented in DL, it should be able to detect and fix malformed
>> headers.
>> Using an online XML file is another posibility, but I don't like it,
>> since it adds too mucho difficult (at least for me) to parse the XML file
>> with bash (I've tried to read and understand your script, but I don't know
>> Python :( ). In this case, a simple «find» command works fine and can solve
>> the problem without parsing XML files.
> Hi Daniel,
> You could use 'xml2', as a way to convert
> the XML file into a format suitable for shell scripting. The output of xml2
> looks like
> ...
> /stats/category/module
> /stats/category/module/@id=gnome-games
> /stats/category/module/@branch=master
> /stats/category/module/document/@id=glines
> /stats/category/module/document/translated=1
> /stats/category/module/document/fuzzy=0
> /stats/category/module/document/untranslated=11
> /stats/category/module/document/pofile=/POT/gnome-games.master/docs/glines.master.el.po
> /stats/category/module/document/svnpath=
> /stats/category/module/document
> /stats/category/module/document/@id=gnect
> /stats/category/module/document/translated=83
> /stats/category/module/document/fuzzy=1
> /stats/category/module/document/untranslated=0
> /stats/category/module/document/pofile=/POT/gnome-games.master/docs/gnect.master.el.po
> /stats/category/module/document/svnpath=
> So, if you want to figure out where to place the "gnect" documentation,
> you find the "@id=gnect" line and then extract the 'svnpath' line which has
> "";.
> Nevertheless, adding such a dependency might be an issue for your program.
>> In a first look, Chusslove's idea could be fine, not only for this kind
>> of script, but for other ones.
>> Note that, if bash script works properly, and can be used to make several
>> tasks (I've implemented the following features: change all modules to
>> master, branch, change to master, deleting old branches and «git pull» all
>> downloaded modules) this script could be ported to GTK, so you could add
>> more features, like an «author» field for your translations (this feature
>> could help coordinators to upload several po files with different author
>> for each file, default would be the commiter itself).
> A case scenario that I think it's useful, is to allow to have 'translator
> work packages'. That is, we get the
> file with all the
> PO files (this one for UI), and let a translator make changes across any PO
> files in the archive. For example, suppose you want to change the
> translation of 'widget' to a different term; you change lots of PO files.
> Then, the translator zips back the PO files and sends them for inclusion.
> The script identifies which PO files have changed, and commits them, all in
> one go. It can use the filenames to figure out what project/type/branch to
> use.
>> If it isn't a lot of work, I'd try to implement it, and see what happens.
>> Maybe having it implemented, any translator/developer finds it useful for
>> another purposes.
> I recommend to post the code online at a service such as, so
> that other can follow and they might try to help out.
> Good luck with your work,
> Simos
>> Many thanks for your comments :)
>> 2011/12/30 Simos Xenitellis <>
>>> 2011/12/29 Daniel Mustieles García <>
>>>> What about this issue?
>>>> Is there any possibility to add headers to PO files? It could be
>>>> possible, at least, to add this header just to es.po files? It woulb be
>>>> very useful for me and for other translators/coordinators, and it is 
>>>> completely
>>>> transparent for translations (just note the X-Generator header added by
>>>> Kbabel or PoEdit).
>>> I think it would be problematic to depend on the header of the PO files
>>> for the location in the repository.
>>> Some translation programs strip headers, some translators may edit the
>>> header manually, and so on.
>>> I am not sure how you receive the list of GNOME packages that you clone;
>>> in my attempt for such a program,
>>> I parse the XML release information which can be used to deduce the
>>> location of the PO files.
>>> For example, for the GNOME 3.4 release, the XML file is at
>>> If I want to find the location for the mahjongg documentation, I can
>>> deduce it from and the
>>> line
>>> "<svnpath>
>>> </svnpath>"
>>> In this example, el.po would be located in
>>> gnome-games/mahjongg/help/LL/LL.po (LL: language) because the type of
>>> repository is 'help' (also defined in the XML file).
>>> The current status of
>>> is that you can manage your repositories, such as updating them all (git
>>> pull --rebase).
>>> You can also press a key to interrupt the update. There is code to make
>>> commits, however it needs a bit more work.
>>> Feel free to work on the repository; I'ld be happy to help out, etc.
>>> Happy New Year to all GNOME I18n,
>>> Simos
>>>> El 13 de diciembre de 2011 16:45, Daniel Mustieles García <
>>>>> escribió:
>>>> Headers can be split in two (or more) lines? I this case, how could a
>>>>> bash script get the full path?
>>>>> Thanks for your comment :)
>>>>> 2011/12/13 F Wolff <>
>>>>>> Op So, 2011-12-11 om 10:57 +0100 skryf Daniel Mustieles García:
>>>>>> > I agree with Matei: the bes solution would be if GUI files were
>>>>>> always
>>>>>> > in PO filder, and documentation files were in HELP folder, but there
>>>>>> > are some incoveniences for it.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > First of all, there isn't a written rule saying where PO files mus
>>>>>> be.
>>>>>> > Each developer chooses their location, and especifies it in makefile
>>>>>> > or files, so It will be difficult to change all
>>>>>> modules.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > In the other hand, there are several modules with special cases: gtk
>>>>>> > has po and po-properties folders; gimp-help has several folders with
>>>>>> > po files with different names (appendix.po, render.po, etc).
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Also, note that rules about po files in forlder can change (today,
>>>>>> > help folder is a good idea to keep documentation, but tomowwor it
>>>>>> may
>>>>>> > change), but PO files are not expected to change their format.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Having an X-Location header in a po file, allows me doing a loop
>>>>>> like
>>>>>> > this:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > for file in $translations_to_commit
>>>>>> > do
>>>>>> >     PO_LOCATION=`grep X-Location $i ...` #Here I could use sed to
>>>>>> get
>>>>>> > a clean path
>>>>>> >     cp $file $PO_LOCATION
>>>>>> >     ....
>>>>>> > done
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > This is a very simple and safe loop (there is no possibility to
>>>>>> copy a
>>>>>> > po file in a wrong location).
>>>>>> This sounds like an interesting idea.
>>>>>> We need to realise that tools can wrap the lines in the path, and
>>>>>> that a
>>>>>> simple grep might not work correctly. Something like this is possible:
>>>>>> msgstr ""
>>>>>> "..."
>>>>>> "X-Location: gnome-control-center/"
>>>>>> "help/\n"
>>>>>> So the script might need a bit more intelligence than simple grep.
>>>>>> Keep up the good work!
>>>>>> Friedel
>>>>>> --
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