
looking at other projects there are at least three logical solutions that
some project use and do not complicate the system.
- first is creating different po-folders for extra translations, like /po,
/po-lalala, /po-help with xx.po files
- second is keeping the current path of /po, but renaming the files like
xx.po, xx.properties.po, xx.help.po ...
- third is creating language folder (twoletter code) like /po/xx/files like
properties.po, ui.po, help.po whatever.po

The path should be "guessable".
I case of "locator" I already feel, there will be problems, because the
commiter is not in control.


2011/12/11 Daniel Mustieles García <daniel.mustie...@gmail.com>

> I agree with Matei: the bes solution would be if GUI files were always in
> PO filder, and documentation files were in HELP folder, but there are some
> incoveniences for it.
> First of all, there isn't a written rule saying where PO files mus be.
> Each developer chooses their location, and especifies it in makefile or
> configure.in files, so It will be difficult to change all modules.
> In the other hand, there are several modules with special cases: gtk has
> po and po-properties folders; gimp-help has several folders with po files
> with different names (appendix.po, render.po, etc).
> Also, note that rules about po files in forlder can change (today, help
> folder is a good idea to keep documentation, but tomowwor it may change),
> but PO files are not expected to change their format.
> Having an X-Location header in a po file, allows me doing a loop like this:
> for file in $translations_to_commit
> do
>     PO_LOCATION=`grep X-Location $i ...` #Here I could use sed to get a
> clean path
>     cp $file $PO_LOCATION
>     ....
> done
> This is a very simple and safe loop (there is no possibility to copy a po
> file in a wrong location).
> Since changing all existing modules is a hard task, I vote for my idea to
> help translators to commit files into git. I think that, on today, this is
> the best and less painful solution to automate some translator tasks.
> Cheers!
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