I think the main misunderstanding stems from the lack of knowledge what
we need these strings for.

I just checked Bulgarian translation. My guess when translating the
strings was that these have some correspondence to the labels printed on
your physical keyboard.

Thus "Tab" and "Scroll_Lock" became "Tab" and "Scroll Lock" since this
is printed on the physical keyboards here in Bulgaria, even on localized
keyboards that have Cyrillic letters printed on the alphabet keys. There
are countries that this does not hold true - for example Germany - they
translate the labels on the physical keys as well.

Since there is no label such as XF86MonBrightnessUp I translated that
expecting that the key would have some kind of picture that corresponds
to its function and the user will have to find the correspondence rather
than literal repetition.

Bastien, can you elaborate in the comments what these strings are
actually used for, where the user will meet them, their purpose, what
commands/applications/dialogs employ them, rather than the way you
expect them translated.

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