Please don't start flamewars or arguments and counter arguments :)

Some love it, some hate it, just like every piece of software. We are
not suggesting to force anyone to use gtranslator nor lokalize nor
virtaal, or vim translation mode or wherever.

Just keep on the topic, finding developers for gtranslator and coming
with ideas to improve it, besides that, please start a new mail
thread, as this one clearly is about improving gtranslator, love/hate
of the tool is not up to discussion, is something that everyone will
have its take on it but can not be force nor enforced!

Cheers and happy translating,

2012/9/10 Daniel Mustieles García <>:
> Sorry, but I disagree with you.
> Gtranslator is a very powerful, easy and intuitive translation application.
> It's interface is simple, because it hasn't floating elements in the window,
> and it has separated boxes for original string, translated string and
> messages table.
> Also, having several tools for the same purpose is not a bad thing; if we
> just had one tool for translating, and its maintainer decided to leave the
> project... what would we do? Use Lokalize? ;-)
> Gtranslator has a really good plugins system, which allows to expand it
> easily. Instead of killing it, we should fight to create a development group
> to fix and improve it. Also, as I said at GUADEC, I think GT should be part
> of the GNOME desktop applications (since Anjuta is the official IDE, GT
> should be the official translation app). Maybe it would help to find someone
> to maintain it.
> GT is done, it's working, and a lot of people uses it. Why don't we try to
> fix it? It isn't completely broken; just 2 or 3 important bugs, but it works
> perfectly... are you sure you want to drop it? I don't agree and I'll keep
> myself trying to improve it, and looking for a maintainer. If we can't
> create or fix our own tools, what are we doing? I'm sure you'll agree with
> me it's stupid, por example, to develope GNOME Shell under .NET Framework
> isn't it? Is the same case with GNOME translations and Lokalize. Many people
> uses Lokalize to translate GNOME... WTF! GNOME is a big project, with a
> great Marketing and a really great i18n teams... aren't we able to find a
> developer and/or a maintainer to fix and improve our translation tool? I
> don't think so.
> Instead of deprecating a working application, help us to fix and improve it.
> Please, don't let it die.
> 2012/9/10 Chris Leonard <>
>> On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 4:05 PM, Gil Forcada <> wrote:
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > As I said in previous mails, let this mail be a kickstart for giving
>> > feedback about the items that are defined on
>> >
>> >
>> > In this mail please give feedback about the improvements on gtranslator
>> > item.
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> > --
>> > Gil Forcada
>> Quoting from:
>> Improvements to gtranslator
>> Background:
>> A brainstorming session was run over which improvements will be nice
>> to have on gtranslator. Right now gtranslator is short on developers,
>> so having a bullet point in this list does not mean it will be
>> implemented in short or at all if the situation does not change.
>> Bullet points:
>>     open to review patches
>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>> I guess my question would be "Why?".  Have you taken a good look at
>> Virtaal and the Translate Toolkit?  I personally think they are the
>> best thing since sliced bread when it comes to off-line L10n work.
>> Instead of putting developer effort into gtranslate, put that effort
>> into converting Claude Paroz's Locale Helper web-app into a submission
>> workflow for glibc locales along the lines of CLDR's Survey Tool.
>> Or maybe work on enhancing the Translate Toolkit or Virtaal (if there
>> is something that you think they need).  Howwever; there is no need to
>> fall prey to the "not-invented-here" syndrome.  Perfectly good
>> solutions exist, under suitable licensing and with established
>> developer communities that it would be better to join rather than
>> re-code what they have already done.
>> Sure, the Translate Toolkit and Virtaal are not perfect.  No offense
>> intended to Friedel Wolff or the other superb devs but
>> as one example, I personally think POlogy does a better job of
>> producing differential PO files from two related input PO files (a
>> task I repeat occasionally), so the answer that makes sense to me is
>> to port the good things from other projects into TT and Virtaal to
>> make a really, really good product even better.  Reinventing the wheel
>> just seems like a waste of time.
>> Of course, I really like TT and Virtaal, maybe others have similarly
>> strong feelings about different tools like gtranslator or POedit. It
>> is never a waste of time defining important features and examining the
>> options to see what is best overall, but IMHO, I've settled on Virtaal
>> as the best-of-breed and would rather see work go into it than playing
>> catch up on gtranslator.  Choice is good, but I've made mine and I
>> would encourage others to try it before committing a lot of effort to
>> something else.
>> I have no intent to belittle the efforts of others, as I said, for
>> certain tasks I find that other tools work more intuitively or
>> efficiently, I just find that for me Virtaal has an overall advantage
>> as an off-line PO editor and that the TT allows me to do most of the
>> other manipulations of PO files I want to do.  YMMV.
>> cjl
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