
2012/9/16 Chris Leonard <cjlhomeaddr...@gmail.com>:
> On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 9:04 PM, Ask Hjorth Larsen <asklar...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Hi translators and i18n people
>> I notice that the string "Quit" seems to have appeared in quite a few
>> modules.  In total, the msgids "Quit" or "_Quit" (i.e. matching
>> "^(_?)Quit$") are found 31 times, in these modules:
>> Why not use a stock label for this kind of stuff?  There are also many
>> instances of About and _About which I don't recall from previous
>> releases.
>> Regards
>> Ask
> Yes, Strings like this are a good reason to use an off-line PO editor
> with a good translation memory feature or an on-line tool like Pootle
> that has a glosssary/terminology project.  It would be a thought to
> crunch a glossary.po terminology project  for GNOME using
> poternimology from theTranslate Toolkit.  At the very least, people
> could download it to their local TM to help maintain consistency in
> translations of certain common terms.

I don't really mind *translating* them - they are very small strings
in any case.  But they have to be reviewed and go through the whole
procedure, and it adds up a bit no matter whether you have a
compendium or not (a compendium helps a lot with the license texts
though).  But it was my impression that one instead uses stock labels
like the "Save as..." and "About".  Don't we have those?

Also, not too many releases ago something similar happened where
several messages appeared in many modules.  Like "Unrecognized desktop
file version" (I still remember that one).  It's a bit strange, that's
why I ask.

Regards Ask
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