On Sun, May 29, 2016 at 8:28 PM, Jehan Pagès <jehan.marmott...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi to all GNOME translators!


> We have been discussing on the GIMP IRC channel a few days ago about
> possibly utilizing the GNOME translators to help us translate the
> website. This is how we came to get in touch with Alexandre. He has
> been advising us to update our source into gettext's po files and also
> get in touch with the whole translator community of GNOME through this
> mailing list.
> So here we go. Do you have any more advice or counter-advices?
> Or maybe do you think it could even be possible to make good use of
> the GNOME i18n team without porting all the text to gettext? I know
> that Pat would really appreciate if there was such a possibility
> because that would mean a lot less work for him!

It seems you misinterpreted some bits. I never meant to say that
shouldn't keep your markdown source. The process would be to generate
po files (with po4a) for translation purpose only. There's no porting
and no extra work involved (well you still have to generate something,
but you'd have to anyway).

> Finally we want to note that the website means also a lot of longer
> contents (not just UI buttons' text), as well as regular updates, like
> news, but also tutorials, and such, since we are really trying to get
> the community rolling more and more with us. Right now this is still
> low update, but I think the dream would be to have a much more active
> community at some point, which also means much more regular news and
> other contents.

We don't really have a way to get an automated notification when you
update the content for something that doesn't have releases. We could
abuse the freeze system to do that, but that would just be confusing.

I think if you could send us an email requesting updates when you do
changes, that would be great. Of course you'd have to find balance so
that you don't ping us every other week. :-)

> So would this be possible? If this is all good, and once we get all
> our text as po files, what is the next step to subscribe the GIMP
> website as a GNOME i18n project and get the ball rolling for
> internationalization? :-)

I'll let the others weigh in now.

Alexandre Franke
gnome-i18n mailing list

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