Hi folks,

On 18/03/18 04:09, Mingcong Bai wrote:
The current coordinator of the zh_CN team, Aron Xu (https://l10n.gnome.org/users/cnfavor/) has failed to coordinate or to actively commit reviewed translation, since almost two years ago. Though some other contributors and I have been able to reach Aron, he has only stated to commit the changes when he's available - and the translations have rarely been committed since 3.24.

Since it looks like our forgetful Bai is going through November 2015 all over again, I should probably link to the last interaction of this sort here [1]. Stuff were stuck at the pre-review stage, and it was sort of fixed when Aron came back and appointed a few more active reviewers.

[1]: https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-i18n/2015-November/msg00009.html

Our committer, similarly, had failed to fulfill their task, as suggested
with the references above.

... and no, there were not any change with the higher-up gatekeepers like the committer. Someone did come back for the 3.20/22 pushes, so things looked fine for a while.

In nmtui (NetworkManager's ncurses UI)

You don't need to go through the committer for NM! They mainly accept translations through Bugzilla, I think.

Best Regards,
Mingcong Bai
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