On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 1:08 PM, G. Michael Carter <mi...@carterfamily.ca>wrote:

>> I'm not giving up gnome-do regardless.  I find gnome-do more efficient
>> when I'm launching apps in the same workspace.  Eg more terminals, a quick
>> browser.  I use the overview when I want to start a new task in another
>> workspace.  gnome-do works beautifully for the first scenario.  Sometimes,
>> the elegant solution is to use gnome-do or some other utility.  Unless of
>> course you believe this might be difficult for your wife?
>> Regardless if my wife has difficulty I'm getting the strong sense there is
> no way the application selection is going to be enhanced in any way
> possible.

Probably not for default, but someone enterprising might write an extension
to do it differently.

> My view of the current overview page, it's like your sitting in a theatre,
> and while your watching the movie someone keeps asking you to move while
> they get to their seat.   Doesn't matter if it's 200ms, 5 seconds or the 10
> seconds (ie the system's only a single core and the video has the CPU/GPU
> maxed out).   It's still annoying.   If the movie hasn't started it's great
> thought.
> So my only option is a program not of gnome-shell design.   No big deal.
>>  That said, five seconds sounds way too slow for going to the overview,
>> running gedit and coming back.  That's worthy of putting in a bug and then
>> running through some debugging to find out why that is.  I have never taken
>> that long to do that.  As for the video portion you should still be able to
>> watch the video even in overview mode for the second it takes to launch
>> gedit.
> As for logging a bug... well I have several open going back about a year
> for that system.   Even replaced the graphics card.  Problems more related
> with OpenGL area as KDE with XRender works fine.   I've given up and I'll
> live with the 5 seconds.

Meh... you're a better man than me.  5 seconds is an eternity in the
computer world.  I'd put in a bug with your distro with your hardware.  If
we are going to depend on OpenGL then the experience has to be good on all
hardware types.  Especially if we made the decision to depend on opengl.


> sri
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