The thing is circular, because it works for you and not for me and you are okay 
with that implementation. The second point is computers actually needs "turn 
off" visibility for end users, not just "Suspend" if the system is capable. It 
happens that you work in an environment where you do not need to turn off your 
machine vs. so users like us who needs that functionality to turn the machines 
off w/o pressing any additional key.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bidossessi SODONON" <>
To: "allan registos" <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 3, 2011 12:43:29 AM
Subject: on suspend

> IMO, the presence of "Suspend" should be only available to development
> builds(or optional in stable releases). I only once use "Suspend" in my
> system because it will mess the system and I will be forced to use the
> _reset_  button and I will never use it again as it may physically damage
> the Hard Drive. Calling the terminal is just a band aid, it doesn't work
> at large.
This is your experience.
Suspend/resume works great for me. Actually, I almost never turn off my 
laptop, except for kernel updates.
Running Gnome3 on ArchLinux on a compaq 6820s with ATI graphics and 
opensource graphic drivers.
So, ymmv. :)
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