tir, 03 05 2011 kl. 16:28 -0430, skrev Dokuro:
> On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 5:45 PM, Frederik Hertzum
> <frederik.hert...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >>>>
> >>>> Horizontal desktops missing:
> >>>>
> > =====================================================================
> > <snip>
> >>ctrl+alt+up/down to change workspaces (virt desktops)
> > That key-combo (or any other for that matter) doesn't allow me to do
> > what I want. I often need more than one set of apps open, which are
> > related in some way, which take up more space (conveniently) than my
> > monitors allows. Simply stacking them in a long list of workspaces will
> > only help if I only have one task (which I often don't). I always set up
> > a 3x3 or 4x4 set of "virtual desktops" when I'm working on GNOME 2
> > machines because it allows me to do exactly this; group my apps
> > horizontally and keep several sets of apps open at the same time.
> >
> > Frederik Hertzum
> >
> so grabbing the app icon and moving it to the workspace you want and
> then using ctrl+alt+up/down does not work for you, because you need
> more rows in order to navigate them easier?
> or another way would be, to have it like the new alt+tab with mouse and all?
It would allow me to do something similar, but it quickly becomes
cumbersome to remember where things are, it's difficult to set up,
since, if I want to have it sorted by task, I sometimes have to
rearrange everything, which can take a very long time. Not having
workspaces in two dimensions really takes the fun out of using them.

Frederik Hertzum

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