> tir, 03 05 2011 kl. 16:28 -0430, skrev Dokuro:
> > so grabbing the app icon and moving it to the workspace you want and
> > then using ctrl+alt+up/down does not work for you, because you need
> > more rows in order to navigate them easier?

Huh.  Should that work?  I'm in the activity view, so I see the tiled
apps of the current workstation, the left hand applications bar [what is
the official name of that thing] and on the right hand the tiled
workspaces.  I grab an app and drag it to a workspace.... and it opens
[starts] in the current workspace.  Is that incorrect [something isn't
working] or am I misunderstanding the above? [because that would be an
awesome feature - especially for apps that take some time to start]

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