The package list below is a repost of one made by Robert Millan from
before myself receiving the gNS-dev list -so it slipped off-. (Thanks to
Alexis PM for pointing me towards it).

This packages, and the Debian bugtrack numbers where extracted from

afio                    # 509287
texlive-base            # 477060
texlive-latex-base      # 483217
libsnmp-base            # 498475
libsmi2-common          # 498476
pike7.6                 # 459705
gkrell-snmp             # 508292

(and linux, of course)

I'll include this packages in the blacklist ASAP:

Please, report *any* non-free package you know being in a main -posing
as free- repository, no matter which mainstream distro it is part of, so
we can include it in the blacklist.

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