2009/9/11 Yavor Doganov <ya...@gnu.org>

> This discussion is pointless, but anyway...
> Diego Saravia wrote:
> > it will be a system incapable of autogenerating its sofware,
> Not if the bugs that are left behind are fixed.  Which was the whole
> point of my initial comment -- rm'ing is easy, the hard part is to fix
> the mess after the rm action.
> For example, the removal of Mesa/GLX in gNewSense was admirable (they
> didn't know back then that the FSF is working on resolving the problem
> in the best possible way), but it left many packages buggy and/or
> useless.  Mostly because of lack of manpower; I don't mean to accuse
> anyone -- I'm just saying that such things should not be acceptable.
> An imaginary removal of TeX would be far more disastrous.

I agree

Diego Saravia
NO FUNCIONA->d...@unsa.edu.ar

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