
On Sun, 15 Aug 2010 11:01:54 +0200
Sam Geeraerts <sam...@elmundolibre.be> wrote:

> > psutils ======= The license states:
> > 
> > "The included files, md68_0.ps and md71_0.ps (and their uuencoded
> > forms) are (to the best of my knowledge) copyright Apple Computer,
> > Inc."
> > 
> > The mentioned files are without license and copyright notice. Can I
> > disribute them with peace of conscience?
> The "to the best of my knowledge" doesn't give much hope, but I suggest
> you contact upstream anyway to ask about copyright and license information.

I think upstream states, what the license is saying about those two files.
The author is not sure where they come from, he thinks from Apple. And if he 
isn't sure about copyright, he can't be sure about the licensing of this two 
files either.

Unless proven otherwise, I think we must consider those two files as non-free.

I also mailed this issue to the gNewsense-dev list.

Technical, those files are used by fixmacps(1), which  "fixes" PostScript 
generated from a Macintosh PC that it works correctly with  psutils package 
(according to manpage).

The fix would be, to remove fixmacps and the postcript files md68_0.ps and 
from the package.



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