Hello Quiliro,

On Tue, 17 Aug 2010 12:11:52 -0500
Quiliro Ordóñez <quil...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Even if you do your own separate project, Parabola is doing the same work as
> you 

Not exactly. They are doing a "free Arch Linux" with Linux-Libre, but they 
have the almost the same nearly bleeding-edge i686 optimized packages as Arch. 
This is from what I can tell by a look at their repos.

Our goal, however, is quite different. We want to support i586 and 
we want to have "stable" packages. 

But you are right in the sense, that we can share knowledge, perhaps in form of 
PKGBUILDs. We already did some work in this direction and would be happy to 
share it 
with the Parabola people.

Maybe it's my fault, but I wasn't able to find a link to their mailing list, 
forum or 
the like,  only the hint of an IRC channel - and I use IRC seldom. But maybe 
one of 
their maintainers is reading this list?

Kind regards,


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