On 22/08/11 09:48, Henry Jensen wrote:
Hi Quiliro,

On Mon, 22 Aug 2011 07:57:10 -0500
Quiliro Ordóñez<quil...@congresolibre.org>  wrote:

I don't see where the problem is to erradicate
things that do bad such as hunger, infant death and user subjugating
The problem is the attitude. I can propagate my message in a positive
style ("Use free software to be in control of your computer") or in a
negative style ("Don't use proprietary software, it subjugates you and
should be eradicated"). With the former message I tell, that free
software is good for users and as such has a positive message. The
latter one is negative argument which has often a paradoxical and
defensively effect, which can even lead to the result, that some people
think that I am a lunatic. Simple marketing psychology.

It is OK to use the terms in a positive way but not to be distracted from the issue of freedom. A position more according to FSF and in the positive sense as you propose would be: "Use ONLY free software to be in control of your computer".

The point is: If you seek FSFs endorsement for ConnochaetOS, I would
think that you agree with their philisophy and not with OSI's
I didn't mention OSI anywhere. Of course I support the free software
philosophy. But I don't think it would be good to exclude open source
activists or people who use the term "open source" instead of "free
software". There is no sharp boundary between those camps anyway.

You do not mention them but propose the same things as they do.

Freedom takes sacrifice.
George W. Bush, 2005, about the war in Iraq

You cannot compare searching for freedom with attacking another country and killing people. I do not propose hurting anybody or killing people for the sake of freedom. That is contradictory. Please do not use that type of camparison. It makes me feel you think that I am equal to that terrible person. It is for me as if I would compare you to Hitler.

Quiliro Ordóñez
09 821 8696
02 340 1517

"No se puede sacrificar la libertad por ningún bien, por ninguna promesa de pan o de paz o de justicia, porque ese pan tendría amargura de veneno, esa paz sería de muerte, y esa justicia no sería justicia humana ni tendría sentido." Alfredo Pérez Guerrero

"Não se pode sacrificar a liberdade por nenhum bem, por nenhuma promessa de pan ou de paz ou de justiça, porque esse pan teria amargura de veneno, essa paz seria de morte, e essa justiça não seria justiça humana nem faria sentido." Alfredo Pérez Guerrero

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