Henry Jensen wrote:
On Sun, 21 Aug 2011 20:00:22 +0200
Sam Geeraerts <sam...@elmundolibre.be> wrote:
In any case, it's clear that using the term "free software" over "open source" should be encouraged within FSDG distro communities. I think it's not necessary to make an FSDG rule for this, but that it's an indicator of a community's strength.

I am not sure what you mean by "a community's strength."

I mean commitment to software freedom. Using the term "open source" is not a big problem in itself, but it invites scrutiny to the project. Kind of like when someone disposing of a lot of empty wine bottles: not a problem in itself, but it could make you wonder if he has an alcohol problem.

I agree that it is good to encourage the term "free software" over
"open source". But I still don't think that this is a crucial point.

Indeed, I said encourage, not mandate.

Like you said, many say "open source" when they mean "free software". I admit, sometimes I use the term "open source" as well in discussions when I speak with people who are unfamiliar with free software -
because the term "open source" is more known than "free software" and
"free software" is confused with "Freeware" very often. Often there is
simply not enough time to explain the difference between "Freeware" and
"free software". What matters is the message that is transmitted.

It's unfortunate that the term is confusing. That's why it's even better to say "software freedom" when the situation allows. I see what you mean, but this thread is about communication within a free distro community. I doubt that confusion with "freeware" is much of a problem there. If it is, then it's easily solved with a refence to a webpage written for this purpose or to gnu.org.

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