Hello all,

We just wanted to give the list a heads up on our forthcoming
announcement of adding PureOS to our list of endorsed distros. Quite
some time ago they wrote to this list and got feedback about their
distro. From that time, they've been working with us to address concerns
that were brought up in that thread, such as removing leftover
problematic code from Firefox, fixing up their bug tracker, and making
clearer the separation between Purism and PureOS. They've addressed our
concerns, and are actively maintaining freedom-related issues in their
bug tracker
<https://tracker.pureos.net/tag/freedom-harm_need_nonfree_code/>. The
endorsement program depends on the community to help projects to
maintain their free status, and we are satisfied with PureOS's
commitment to maintaining that status. After this announcement, we'll be
moving our focus to working with other pending candidates for
endorsement, but maintaining a free distro is a task that needs
everyone's help. If there are issues that you can help PureOS with,
please do make use of the bug tracker, and make sure to CC
<report-nonf...@fsf.org> so you can be rewarded with a GNU Buck
<https://www.gnu.org/help/gnu-bucks.en.html> if you do find a problem.
Thank you all for your help in bringing PureOS up to speed, and we look
forward to your continued help on future distros seeking endorsement.
Donald R. Robertson, III, J.D.
Licensing & Compliance Manager
Free Software Foundation
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
Boston, MA 02110
Phone +1-617-542-5942
Fax +1-617-542-2652 ex. 56

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