P.S. To clarify my personal & institutional bias, here at FreeSlack the 
consensus for the distro name is "Freenix" at the moment, so I don't have an 
ulterior motive in making these suggestions. 

On Friday, March 23, 2018 10:51:01 Ivan Zaigralin wrote:
> I'd like to register my dislike of the subjective approach to the name
> similarity issue as well. Not that it doesn't work. I think it works OK,
> because this is not a particularly big deal to begin with. FreeSlack
> project, for example, has always been flexible in that respect, as in,
> fully cooperative. But it would be better to have an objective criterion,
> like for example:
> Cannot use nonfree distro name or trademark as a substring in a free distro
> name.
> A rule like this would prevent "Slackware Libre", but not "FreeSlack". But
> more crucially, it would be fair, and no one would ever feel like an
> individual reviewer at FSF is yanking their chain just for the fun of it.
> On Friday, March 23, 2018 13:36:59 bill-auger wrote:
> > as i understand, the final issue preventing free-slack from being
> > endorsed is the word "slack" in their name - which is in conflict with
> > the "no name confusion" criteria
> > 
> > so one other thing to point out for the sake of equality is that the
> > connochaetos website refers to the repos it hosts as "The slack-n-free
> > repo"
> > 
> > "free-slack"
> > "slack-n-free"
> > 
> > is it just me? - im not seeing a huge difference there - personally, my
> > opinion would be that neither are particularly offensive - "slack" is
> > not exactly "slackware" - just as i see no problem with the free-dora
> > repos hosted by FSFLA because "dora" is not "fedora" - although these
> > are all clearly intended to remind the reader that "this is the freed
> > version of that well-known one"
> > 
> > o/c these are not my rules to make; but please let us apply the same
> > rules equally to all

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