Alexander Terekhov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Isaac wrote:
> [...]
>> ><URL:>
>> ><URL:>
> I hear that (plonked) GNUtian dak seems to be unaware the District Court 
> of Munich I judged that the GPL is a contract governed by the Sect. 158 
> of the German Civil Act (BGB)

§158 covers "Rechtsgeschäfte" in general, of which contracts
("Verträge") are only one special case.  A licence by GPL is an
"einseitiges Rechtsgeschäft" (something like "unilateral legal
transaction"), not a contract.  As such it is covered by the laws
concerning "Willenserklärungen", not "Verträge".

If you bothered actually reading the laws in context, this should not
have escaped you.

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum
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