On May 26, 10:11 am, "Alfred M. Szmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    >    The _growth_ and evolution of this pool is important:
>    >    stagnation is not going to cut it much in a rapidly evolving
>    >    landscape.
>    >
>    > It is important, but not the goal of the GPL and never was.
>    Again, your views clash with that of the actual author of the GPL,
>    even though you feel qualified for some reason to speak for him.
> I fail to see where they clash at all.  Richard speaks about sharing
> the pool of software that already exists, not converting non-free
> software into free software.  Maybe when you wish to quote something,
> you ought to understand it first.
>    Is this not rather clearly expressed?  Why do you feel that you are
>    better qualified to state Stallman's views than Stallman himself?
> Yes, protecting the pool of free software that exists, not converting
> non-free software into free software.  Thank you for proving my point.

Your point is bad, since it fails to address the fact that the GPL
requires even the "non-free" (ie. non GPL or original) components
of a derivative work whose majority of code is made up of
said original stuff to be free/GPL, not just the free parts, if one
wants to distribute it. If one does this, then one has added more
code to that pool of free code -- one has made it grow. It therefore
seems that at least one of the reasons, and an _important_ one
at that, IS to help ensure the growth of free code -- otherwise why
would they require that all the original stuff in the derivative be
disclosed under GPL and not just the free stuff, which obviously
leads to an increase in the amount of free code in the world and
that is obviously doing *more* than just keeping GPL-free stuff free.

>    I don't question your loyalty to Stallman, but you are not doing
>    him a favor by making a spectacle of yourself and the GNU project
>    by misrepresenting his views, even if it may be done in good faith.
> I have no loyalty to Richard.

So then you prefer to follow your own bastardized version of
Gnutianism instead of the original. Why???

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