On Thu, 24 Jul 2008 00:49:13 +0000, Rahul Dhesi wrote:

> thufir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>To my understanding, the buyer does have the right, under the GPL, to
>>the source.  After, the GPL is targeted, you could say, at buyers to
>>protect copyright owners.
>>If no buyer has rights to the source, then that would make the GPL
>>pointless, which, I suppose is your argument?
> "Rights to the source" is not a useful phrase, as it does not
> distinguish between the right to ask for the source (which the buyer
> has), the right to redistribute the source once the source is available
> (which the buyer has), and the right to enforce the seller's obligation
> to provide the source (which the copyright owner has but the buyer does
> not).

The buyer can ask for the source but, ultimately, has now way of 
enforcing anybody to produce it?  Seems pointless.

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