Alexander Terekhov <> writes:

> Hyman Rosen wrote:
> [...]
>> make source available upon request. If someone copies and
>> distributes a covered work using this provision but does not
>> intend to honor such requests, he is infringing the copyright
> Think of someone simply changing his mind later or just losing all the
> sources for some reason you retard.
> Hyman:  Hello distributor, I've got your offer, give me the sources.
> Distributor: Sources? Fuck, where is the sources?! Shit, my wife
> shredded all that stuff!!!
> Hyman: You fucking copyright infringer! I'm calling SFLC!!!

In this case you'll have little problem getting a court order that
orders distribution of binaries to stop.  Depending on the case,
penalties are easy enough to come by.

"My wife shredded all that stuff" is not seen as a valid defense in
other business matters, so this would be no difference.  Due diligence
can be expected of business people.

David Kastrup
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

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