Alexander Terekhov <> writes:

> David Kastrup wrote:
> [...]
>> The respective chances for success of copyright enforcement in court 
>> are what causes the FSF to get copyright assignments ... 
> Dear dak, you know quite well that Stallman has no balls to sue for
> copyright infringement because Stallman is in business of giving
> "Copyright vs. Community" speeches. Imagine the publicity... BREAKING
> NEWS: Copyright IS NOT AGAINST Community anymore, Stallman finally buys
> into copyright, hallelujah!!!

What rock have you been living under?  The whole point of the GPL (as
opposed to, say, BSD style licenses) is that it is firmly rooted in
copyright in order to be able to _enforce_ copyleft.

The FSF rarely sues because the prospective defendants tend to prefer
getting into compliance (and the FSF's tendency to keep their ts crossed
is not likely the least reason).  Nowadays, most GPL compliance suits
are from GPL licensors different from the FSF themselves.  When was the
last large-scale GCC violation (for example) you remember?  Objective C
was one, Motorola signal processors were another.  Things started to
look ugly, and the companies got their act together after varying amount
of pressure, and came into compliance.

David Kastrup
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

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