Alexander Terekhov <> wrote:

> Ivan Shmakov wrote:

>> >>>>> marsup  <> writes:
>> >>>>> On Jul 21, 6:53 pm, Ivan Shmakov <> wrote:

>> [???]

>>  >> -- FSF associate member #7257

>>  > By the way what is all about FSF membership number?  I am curious to
>>  > know for learning and contributing to FSF.

>>         This should be more on-topic for gnu.misc.discuss, so I'm
>>         cross-posting and setting Followup-To: there.  (Beware of the
>>         troll there, though; for some newsgroups, killfiles are a must.)

You've just met one of these trolls.  (There are more than one.)

>>         The idea is to provide funding for the FSF (and thus, partly,
>>         for the GNU project.)  The ???basic??? associate membership is $120
>>         per year (or half that price for currently enrolled students.)

>>         To join, one can use the form at:


>>         To join and ask FSF to thank me for that:


>> --
>> FSF associate member #7257

> What percentage of collected funds is spend on writing code for the GNU
> project and not on fat salaries to the FSF crooks not writing any code
> for the GNU project?

A lot of the funds will be spent on maintaining GNU infrastructure -
premises, servers, and bandwidth all have to be paid for.  And yes, "fat
salaries" will be paid to "FSF crooks", such as sys-admins,
administrative staff, and so on.  Few, if any, of these "FSF crooks" will
be writing code for a GNU project.

> regards,
> alexander.

Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).

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