On Tue, Oct 22, 2019 at 3:16 AM František Kučera <konfere...@frantovo.cz>

> The problem with this approach is the risk of hostile takeover. There
> are corporations (e.g. those that profit from proprietary
> software/cloud) ... that have almost unlimited
> (from our point of view) financial and developers resources – which
> allows them to bend such organization according to their needs.
> So if this is to have a chance of success, there must be a rigid
> (immutable) constitution which guarantees the principles in the long
> term. ...
> <https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html>. Maybe they should be
> transformed into a constitutional document (while retaining the original
> meaning, of course).

Franta, I made suggestions, days ago, about a constitution for GNU. Let's
work on this suggestion.

Freedom - no pane, all gaiGN!

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